Flowers By The Bucket 

Lowlands is taking a little break to rest and retool and we won’t be offering DIY Flowers in 2023.
Alice will be taking an extended maternity leave to welcome twins to her family!

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Custom Bucket: Peach & Blush ~Chris Ward Photography



For your DIY arranging success


The Basics

  • Keep it simple: Even the most casual professional arrangements require a lot of practice and skill to create. But arrangements made by loving hands can be just as eye-catching and even more special!

  • Do your research: Use DIY resources like Pinterest and YouTube to research the basics on DIY design. This will help you place your order, plan what materials you need, and give you some confidence for the big day. Consider picking up stems from your local floral department or ordering a “Practice Bucket” from the farm to get some experience.

  • Calculate your flower needs: Depending on how lush your table arrangements are, the flowers from one of our buckets will fill 5-7 quart-sized mason jars. Small bud vases may have 1-3 stems per jar and a bucket would likely fill 30 or more. Wedding couple bouquets typically contain a stem count of 20-50 and attendant bouquets a range of 15-40.

  • Materials: Depending on what you are envisioning, you will need scissors or snips, floral tape, wire, pins, and vases. Most materials can be easily obtained from craft and garden stores!

  • Timing is everything: Make sure that you have adequate space, time, and help. Bringing your family and friends together to make arrangements is a great way to get people involved in your event! Even with many hands, be sure you allocate several hours to bouquet making and clean up.

  • Keep it clean: use only sterilized vases and scissors and clean fresh water.